The worst thing about getting "all dolled up" on a Saturday night.... is realising that it's absolutely pissing down with rain outside!!
Standing on my balcony overlooking rainy London ... I'm in two minds....
do I go out on the lash with my girls down Chigwell High Street... or get cozy in my pajamas & watch an Eastenders Omnibus??
I know which you would choose!!
The chilly nights do sometimes catch me in a mood to go out!.... Not sure if its the smell of the kebab shop wafting in the cold as we all hobble by in our high heels, or the fact that the club will be full of well reem fellas in their finest, smelling all "Cool Water" fresh & shiz!

So off I go!
Dress - Libertys of London
Stilettos - Hoc Industries
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