The wonders of Second Life - Part 1

Yes i know this blog is about Fashion and Music but i thought i would do a series about the weird and wonderful things you can find in SL where the odd and bizarre exist.

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The gathering of the people to Obamaville.

Read more after the jump

In real life you can use the form of protest by gathering people together of like minds to go on a march and protest to your government or whatever about something that you feel strongly about. We see this in art too where artists use their medium to complain about injustice such as in music where artists sing protest songs. Second Life is a great platform for getting your views heard and out there for others to see and share

There are some good places and some bad, but they all are a creation of an artist who wants to share their vision with the residents of second life. Take the real life artist Banksy. His artwork has been seen around the world and is probably one of the most famous artists around now. He creates his artwork out of the objects that are around us or with stencils on the wall with spray paint

In Second Life we get to see in the mind of the creators who build these fantastic objects for us to look at and we get to share some of their ideas. The world stage of politics is no exception to this as seen from this creation. With the up coming elections in America they have taken the time to create this.

I remember back in 2008 and 2012 presidential elections in America there were a lot of places that were pro one side and anti the other all over SL, for the Obama campaign there was even an official office in SL that gave away tshirts, caps and other items to encourage people to get out and vote

This time around i have not seen as many supporting Hillary or Trump but they do have at least 1 land each supporting their campaign and also a lot hating them too. I personally dont live in the USA so the election does not affect me but to millions, it does and as most of the players in SL are American, a lot of second life players will be affected too.

Sometimes you come across buildings in Second life that you look at and can understand straight away, some may take a while but you get it in the end. This one though just does baffle me a bit as inside the White House is a huge nude lady that i have no clue what that means. 

My view on this whole piece is that the artist does not like the democratic party and thinks that Hillary is going to make it to the White House but what do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

So there you have it, part 1 of the wonders of second life. If you have any comments or questions please leave them in the boxes below. If there is anything you would like us to review for you let us know. Thanks for joining me on this journey and ill see you next time 

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