Older avatars will remember ETD Hair, It was one of the hair pioneers of SL & rightly so!
Elika Tiramisu did some awesome stuff!!
I've been away from SL for a few years now & sadly some of my favorite creators are no longer making stuff! ....

A bit of a premature yay, as the main store is no longer there..... but I did find (Elikatira) Which is created by none other than the creator & founder of ETD Hair!! ........YAY!!

What's more, there is a SALE on all hair! She is currently moving in RL & every item is on sale until further notice......YAY!! :P

Funky Ombre dyes & natural roots....
Just check our Libertys model Libby wearing the gorgeous
[e] Estelle - Brunettes, With Blue Ombre
At Meshy Bishes
Not to mention the really cool mesh hair dye bottles displaying all the colours.... well thought out design & premium hair!
Note - this is just a temporary location & the main store is being built as we speak.
So why not pass by & grab a few deals before the sale ends!
You can jump in a Cab here - Elikatira
Got to get me arse down there sharpish!!