The new avatar journey by Segarindo in Second Life

*waves* Hi my name is Segarindo and i am going to give you a quick rundown of the Linden Labs new player area in Second Life in case you either have never been through it or went through a different route into SL

Come join me and take a look at the new player experience

So you start out on a deserted beach pretty much on your own without any signs apart from the arrows telling you which way to go

Now i am guessing that you are here because you were in some kind of boat crash seeing as there is a boat out in the harbour on the rocks

If you follow the arrows you end up coming to a pathway which leads up a slope, there are no other signs telling you what to do or where to go just these arrows, i am lucky i have been here before so i know what to do but if you were totally new this area could just be confusing

You pretty much carry on along this path until you get to a bridge, again no signs telling you what to do so you just have to walk across. If you fall off there are steps back up to the other side so you will be ok if you do fall in

Once over the other side you continue on until you come to another bridge but this time the bridge is broken so you have to fly across. Nothing tells you to do this you just have to work it out for yourself, you can press the HOME button or F on on your keyboard or use the avatar control buttons

After you are safely across you follow the path round again where you come to another bridge but again no signs or anything else apart from the fact there is only 1 path for you to follow here and there is nothing else for you to see so there isnt really much you can get wrong

You carry on until you come to this place, nothing tells you but this place will take you out of the new player area and into Second Life for real. Once you leave this area you cannot come back so make sure you are ready to leave before you do because again nothing tells you to get ready to leave

Then you land on Social Island with a lot of other new players, here i am having just walked through the portal above and landed on Social Island

And thats pretty much it. That is Linden Labs new player experience, that is supposed to get you ready for your life on the grid. Where are the tutorials about how to move, how to fly, how to rez objects, how to wear clothes, how to change your appearance? where are any of those things? The old tutorial was detailed and in depth and would show you how to do almost all the things you needed to know. Other places like Firestorm do a really detailed new player experience but as you cant choose where you start, you just get sent somewhere randomly, you only get to do the tutorial you are sent to as you cant go back to do another one if you didnt get the one you are at. I have seen a lot of people quit because they just didnt get the new player tutorial. Remember when Lindens used to be at the rez point to meet you personally? Come on Linden Labs, sort it out, at least give us a decent start like we used to have.

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