Madpea - The Interview game The first clue

Hi yeah im back to do another post on this blog, this time its about Madpea's game The Interview. Ok i know this has already been on the blog before but this time i am going to show you the first clue to help you on your way because im like that, i like helping people, i do a favour for you, then i might need a favour from you one day and you aint gonna refuse me are you? Didnt think so.

So here's me at the landing point for the game. You have to buy a hud to play the game, now i am a guy who likes a bargain and i aint gonna pay any more than i need to so i went for the cheapest option to give me access but you might want to splash a bit of cash and get more bling for your buck but the basic one is fine if you just want to play it.

Once you attach the hud that you get it will ask for permissions as this is an experience and will teleport you when you get to the places you need and it also gives you the tools you need to play the game. If you dont wear the hud you cant get out of this room so dont be a muppet and add the hud then just follow the light to the door and the hud will do the rest.

You then get teleported to another sim as you can see below, this is the start where you have to look for clues, now i spent ages walking around the sim trying to find out what i was supposed to do but i did the hard work to help you with this first clue because, you know, i gots your back.

Walking out of this landing compound you walk past all the things for sale on the sim and they are of excellent quality, there aint no crap here so if you wanna do a bit of shopping then you can.

I doesnt matter really which path you take out of the landing area, there are 2, as if you follow both round they will bring you to the geezer you need to see. There is a clown holding some balloons and this is the guy you need to meet, its like when i used to hang out with my old mate Dave Courtney, there are always clowns who think they can step to it but they aint got it, unlike you now, as i have done you a favour here with this clue, so now youre in my debt.

Just click the pink balloon and it will take you to the next place you need and seeing as we are now mates im going to do you another favour and show you the location of the next clue in the next sim but you realise if i need help with something, we can chat yeah.

So there you go, thats the next clue, the start of the MadPea Experience called The Interview. Good luck, ill be watching....

Guest Post by Segarindo
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